
Share the Love VII

What? Share the love is back?? Yay! I've finally gotten my act together-ish, and that means I actually have links to share the love...

GOOD TIPS: Conflict vs Tension, by writer-blogger Becca Puglisi

GOT A PROBLEM?: The Solution to Every Writing Problem That Has Ever Existed, by former agent Nathan Bransford, author of Jacob Wonderbar and the Cosmic Space Kapow

QUERY DELICIOUSNESS: How To Write a Query Letter, by agent Rachelle Gardner

CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT: A technique to avoid random acts of intervention, by agented author Sarah Fine

PRETTY PICTURES: Sundry Bits, by writer-blogger Lola Sharp

LAUGHING OUT LOUD: A Huge and Senseless Character Interview!, by writer-blogger Katie

INSPIRATIONAL: Firsts, by writer-blogger Lulu

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much, Melody, for sharing my little link! So glad it made you laugh! ^.^