Big news is, I won a 10,000 word critique by soon-to-be professional critique artist, Aimee Salter. I've already received her notes, and they are amazing. Oh my gosh. I'm trying to save the gushing for a later, more official, post, but I'm still in a bit of shock.
Good news is, her positive comments will keep me encouraged for months, and I may or may not have made them into a desktop wallpaper.
So, how did I spend yesterday, Sunday, also known as the epic day of rest and free time {sometimes}? Writing? Outlining? Plotting my next...plot move?
I painted my nails with words.
I like painting my nails, but I've never been particularly out of the box {like this lovely lady}. One of my friends embarked on this nail-painting adventure, and I've been desperate to attempt it since. It's remarkably easy, and though I wish the results had been a bit darker {easily remedied the next time around}, I am in nail-heaven. I'm a writer. My fingernails have words on them. {blogged directions; vlogged directions} I got me some writer fingernails.
Now I go to set my face as flint. Come on, book. We can do this.
What did you do with your weekend? Productive writing? Unproductive writing? Something girly? Do tell...
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