I finished my query yesterday.
I know, right! Total whoa-ness! And total-I-don't-know-ness. I feel like I've been putting together some sort of puzzle for the past month, a puzzle where all the pieces are words and plot points and characters that must be arranged and rearranged and re-rearranged into something worth reading.
For a month. A month. I've spent days on single sentences, made lists of dozens - no, maybe scores - of possible wording sequences and wonderings of whether or not this aspect of the story should be included.
And yesterday, I finished it. Of course, I'm sure I'll edit it. Hopefully not drastically, but one never knows. Ha. I've sent it off to the magnificent beta-reader, Shelley, and we'll see what she thinks.
But I'm getting closer...
NaNo update: 15907 words :)
And since I'm on break from my query, guess who's outlining a new story............ :) :) :) :) Epic dystopian world-building, here I come! :)
Any new developments on your writing? Do tell...
1 comment:
Congrats! I look forward to hearing about all those submissions in the coming months :)
Now, do you want to write mine because I can't STAND writing query letters and I have a new book to sell... (Kidding) (Sort of).
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