I'm going to figure out some words. What are the differences between toward and towards, backward and backwards, anymore and any more, beside and besides, and farther and further? I don't know. I use all these words interchangeably. All the time. And that can't be right, can it?
I figure there's no time like the
So if anyone knows the difference between in, into, and in to, feel free to shoot me an email, because that is one that scares me. :)
Always good to go back to the basics. I think (well, from what my crit partners have told me) toward and backward are the right choices, anymore and any more depend on where you want the emphasis. And well, the other examples are probably the best to look up.
Always good to go back to the basics. I think (well, from what my crit partners have told me) toward and backward are the right choices, anymore and any more depend on where you want the emphasis. And well, the other examples are probably the best to look up.
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