If you have been a faithful member of my invisible (and probably nonexistent) readers' club, then you may have noticed a few changes that have been taking place. Don't worry - it's nothing major.
First off, I was kindly alerted to the fact that you couldn't leave comments. Oh, duh, maybe that's why I don't get any! We couldn't have that, and I was off to find the source of the problem. One button later, and now you can leave comments! So please - leave comments. Let me know that you exist, even if you are invisible.
Secondly, you may have noticed that you can finally discover the person behind the invisible authoress. Over on the right, under Pages, you can find out more about me, what I write, and what I read, respectively. I hope this offers a little insight. The "What Does She Read?" page should be particularly helpful, because it gives a short summary of the things I've been referencing haphazardly in these posts.
I'm thinking about changing the theme here. I really love it, but three aspects are making me crazy. First, the date won't show up. Second, you can't tell who posted it. And third, you can't see backed up "Recent Posts."
I'll be back!
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