
1000 Words = Fist Pump

Yesterday, I forbade myself to write a blog post until I wrote 2000 words. I only wrote 1000, which was 1000 more than I've written in the past two weeks, which is why you're not receiving this post at 6:00 AM. (You really didn't think I got up that early. Did you? Because...I really don't. Thank you, Blogger, for scheduled posts.)

However, those 1000 words broke the writer's block I didn't know I had. I thought I just didn't have time (liar, liar, pants on fire), and I thought I just needed more than 15 minutes to settle into the story. Actually, I needed more than 15 minutes, but not to settle in. I had to inspect, magnify, peruse, and generally exhaust my mind in figuring out how things would fit together.

I didn't think it could be done. I was already playing around with a suggestion of Katie Mills (aka Creepy Query Girl) from her comment on one of my "the characters won't do what I want!" blog posts. (It's here.) And yesterday, some things just fell into place and I was like, "YES!" #fistpump (Yeah, I'm slowly learning Twitter-speak.)

It was amazing. Life was good again. The sun came out. (Not really. It's been raining for three days. But figuratively speaking.)

I was so excited that I wrote it in PENCIL on REAL PAPER this paragraph of why so-and-so is doing what etc.. etc... etc... (reminisce The King and I). And THEN I WROTE 1000 WORDS (...not on real paper).

So, yesterday was a glorious happy day for me, even if there was no blog post to wake you up in the morning.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: And many thanks to Katie Mills (aka Creepy Query Girl), who had no obligation to do the work of a critique group, but saved me from writer's block regardless.

I never realized how long of a word 'acknowledgments' was. 


February Grace said...


Well done, you! :)

Anonymous said...

Good for you! I love that feeling of breaking writer's block. It's a happy feeling.

Lydia Kang said...

Hooray on those 1000 words and breaking through your block!