
It Came Out of Nowhere

Finalfinalfinal edits complete? Check.
Query written, edited, polished? Check.
Agents researched, list made? Check.

I was ready. I was poised on the edge of the cliff I've eyed for so long without any desire to jump. But now I was prepared, and I was dying to jump. It was time.

I looked through the "Dream Agent" list and picked my Number One. Went back to her website, read her bio, her dislikes, her likes...oooh, we're a perfect match! Looked at her requirements.

Two-page synopsis? *crickets chirp*

Well. That came out of nowhere.

Cue face in hands. Cue moans of agony. Cue constant head-pounding against desk.

Cue Luke Skywalker finding out the identity of his father.


 So now I'm writing a two-page synopsis.

What about you? Any more 'came-out-of-nowhere surprises' I need to know about?

1 comment:

Anne Gallagher said...

I am exactly right where you are. I had all my checks marked and then bam, I completely forgot about the synopsis. Go you. It'll be fine.