
It's a Good Time To Be a Writer

My to-edit list is getting shorter.

It's been getting shorter for quite some time, but yesterday I realized that IT'S FINALLY ON ONE PAGE. One page, people! I mean, last week it was on TWELVE PAGES. And now I'm down to ONE! :)

It is my hope to finish - like, really finish - like finishfinishfinish - THIS WEEK! This week, people!

The November plan? Querying! {I actually know who I want to query first, exclusively. Call me crazy, but I finally feel confident about my choice.} and *drumroll please* NANOWRIMO!!!!!!! To write without worries!!! I'm STOKED! :)

These have been some encouraging months, what with Tahereh Mafi getting a book deal, Natalie Whipple getting a book deal, Shannon Messenger getting a book deal, and, most recently, writing-medical-advice-giver extraordinaire, Lydia Kang, getting a book deal! I'm so excited for these people! Tahereh's book is coming out in only a couple of weeks, too {which I can't wait to read}!

Anyway, it's a good time to be a writer. I'm stoked for my friends, I'm excited for my MS and its destiny, and I'm thrilled about letting my hair down with NANOWRIMO! :)

What about you? What about writing is making you happy??


AimeeLSalter said...

Oooooo! You go girl! I can't wait for the day you have an announcement of your own.

*Happy dance*

As for me, I'm pumped for nano too. I've started a brand new WIP I'm really excited about.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and best of luck! :)