
The Cover Reveal

It's happening. It's here.
It's here, it's here, it's here, it's here, it's here!
Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you, the cover of Those Who Trespass:


I'll talk more about its creation in later posts, but for now I just want to sit back and stare at it. What do you think?

Those Who Trespass will be available exclusively for Kindle {and all Kindle apps} on August 27, 2013.


Shelley Sly said...

Oh. My. Gosh.


I can't believe the cover is here! And it's all kinds of awesome and SO perfect for the book!! LOVE!

(Was just thinking of you -- actually, I was thinking of White Collar, which made me think of you -- and out of nowhere decided I should check your blog. So glad I did!)

February Grace said...

Oh wow, SO proud of you!!! *HUGE HUGS!!!*